Welcome to the CPESN USA library of short videos (most four minutes or less) highlighting the impact of network pharmacies as they deliver health services locally to improve patient outcomes and help payers meet their goals. Search by keyword, or scroll left or right within the focus sections.
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Payer, Purchaser and Partner Updates
Payer, Purchaser and Partner Updates
CPESN® Colorado MNF Jenna Eccles Shares Tips for RxE2 Trial Success
Jenna Eccles, pharmacist/owner at Wheatridge Professional Pharmacy in Denver, describes how integrating RxE2 clinical study program steps to overall pharmacy workflow increases efficiency, patient engagement, and pharmacy non-dispensing revenue. Eccles, who is also the Managing Network Facilitator for CPESN Colorado, says having a program champion encourages pharmacies to tap into the opportunity.
UHC Health Risk Assessment Program is a Win-Win for CPESN® Tennessee Pharmacy
Pharmacist Allysa Mack with Gibbs Pharmacy in Lebanon, TN describes how involving a Commiunity Health Worker in patient outreach for health risk assessments has increased profit for the pharmacy, and is improving care for patients.
Local Vaccine Partnership for Dialysis Patients is Profitable, Scalable
Shannon Schultz, owner and lead pharmacist at Nebraska LTC Pharmacy, says an invitation to provide COVID vaccines to patients at the Dialysis Center of Lincoln was a success for the pharmacy, the patients, and the nonprofit. The Lincoln clinic shared its positive experience with CPESN Nebraska pharmacy with other members of the American Society of Nephrology. That groups Kidney Community Vaccination Collaborative is exploring with CPESN Health Equity an opportunity to expand the partnership model. Watch the short video to learn more.
Gap Closure Program Allows CPESN® Florida Pharmacist to Work Closely with Patients
The Elevance/Carelon Medicaid program makes it easier to postively impact patient health, says Dustin Williams, phamacy manager at Tru-Valu Drugs in Sanford, Florida. He shares an outcomes story about a patient who lowered her A1c level from 11 to 9.7 in three months.
CPESN® Hawaii Care of Older Adults Program Renews
A second two-year renewal of a medication review program for older adults is the result of CPESN Hawaii's strong overall network performance, says Dayna Wong-Otis, Managing Network Facilitator, The renewal with Hawaii Medical Services Association (HMSA) includes increases in case rates and in the network administration fees.
2024 Health Quality Innovator of the Year Award
CPESN has been named a 2024 Health Quality Innovator of the Year, an annual award presented by Health Quality Innovators (HQI). CPESN partnered with HQI in 2024 to address vaccine hesitancy and improve access in Kansas, Missouri, South Carolina and Virginia. Trained pharmacy teams leveraged community trust to provide education, increase vaccinations and close care gaps. From September 25 to October 30, 2024, 279 clinics administered 12,795 immunizations, saving over $59M in healthcare costs. Each vaccine saved $4,000 in healthcare spending, underscoring the role of pharmacy teams in improving public health.
CPESN® Kansas Launches Expanded UnitedHealthcare Pharmacy Care Hub Program
The expanded UnitedHealthcare Pharmacy Care Hub Program benefits rural patients, and others who may lack transportation or broadband internet service by allowing them to access telehealth visits from CPESN pharmacy locations.The program is currently available to UHC Community Plan members through CPESN pharmacies in Kansas, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. Alison Haas, CPESN Director of Value Based Contracting, says the program also allows pharmacy-led services including testing and treatment for minor illness, strep, or flu; as welll as MTM and patient education.
Trusted, Accessible: CPESN® Iowa Pharmacy Walks the Walk
Andrew Wagner, pharmacist and owner at Eagle Grove Pharmacy, says he has seen a lot of different patient needs presented at the rural Iowa pharmacy. But a patient with a painful zip tie stuck on his tooth was a new one. Watch this short video to see how the Eagle Grove staff drew on CPESN training and a "patient first" attitutde for a positive and cost-effective patient outcome,
CPESN® Ohio, CareSource Medicaid Program
CPESN Ohio pharmacies are seeing new service opportunities that also expand patient access to care under the CareSource Medicaid MCO payer agreement. In additional to fee-for-service payments, pharmacies can earn bonuses based on overall network performance. Jackie Boyle, a network facilitator and Assoc. Dean, Student Success, Practice Transformation at Northeast Ohio Medical University shares benefits of the partnership.
CPESN® North Carolina Renews Medicaid MCO Diabetes Program with Increased Budget
Preliminary data for a diabetes management program with a Medicaid MCO shows that 64% of patients that engaged at least twice with CPESN North Carolina pharmacists maintained or improved their A1c values. Madeline Clark, one of the network facilitators, says participating pharmacists are excited about the opportunity to reach even more patients with an increased budget under the contract renewal.
QIO Vaccine Administration Success
In partnership with six regional Quality Improvement Organizations, pharmacists and their staffs in 23 CPESN® local networks adminstered nearly 40,000 vaccines to residents and staff of long-term care facilities across the country. Lindsay Christensen, CPESN Minnesota Executive Director, served as program support lead and she shares details in this short video about the more than 600 clinics that expanded access and improved safety in these care settings.
$20K profit in nursing home COVID-19 vaccines for Louisiana pharmacy
Wyatt Walker, CPESN® Louisiana Managing Network Facilitator and pharmacist/owner at Walker's Drug Store in Livonia, LA, says administering COVID-19 at four nursing homes turned a profit of about $20K for his store. The vaccines were administerd under the CPESN partnership with Alliant Health Solutions, a Quality Improvement Organization.
CPESN® Mississippi is one of four networks closing care gaps for UnitedHealthcare
Bob Lomenick, CPESN MIssissippi Lead Luminary and pharmacist/owner of Tyson Drugs in Holly Springs, MS, says his staff piggybacks care gap outreach with med sycn calls to schedule UHC HbA1c and blood pressure checks for Medicaid patients. He shares that and other tips in this short video. Other networks particpating in the gap closure program through Dec. 31 are CPESN Virginia, CPESN Florida, and Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network, the CPESN network in Pennsylvania.
Medicaid MCO Renews, Expands Progam with CPESN® Mississippi
Strong engagement with patients diagnosed asthma or diabetes, and pediatric patients diagnosed with ADD/ADHD led to program renewal with Magnolia Health, the Medicaid MCO in Mississippi. Amy Catherine Baggett, managing network facilitator, says sharing patient impact testimonials and pharmacy results with the MCO also allowed expansion to include collecting HbA1c for diabetes patients.
CPESN® USA 2024 By the Numbers
Watch this short video to learn more about how CPESN USA's 3,500 pharmacies and 8,000 providers help health plans lower cost, while improving patient health outcomes. And see examples how payer programs are generating revenue for our pharmacies. Pharmacy owners collaborating with other pharmacy owners to generate new revenue streams.
CPESN® North Carolina, Medicaid MCO Diabetes Care Program
Increased pharmacy engagement with a Medicaid MCO population is the goal for CPESN® North Carolina pharmacies participating in a renewed diabetes management program. Clinical services being provided under the contract med sync and other efforts to increase adherence, as well as regular monitoring of glucose levels. Laura Rhodes, Managing Network Facilitator, hopes the deeper patient engagement and refreshed data will lead to another renewal for 2025.
New MDX Hawaii Medicare Adherence Program
Dayna Wong-Otis, CPESN® Hawaii Managing Network Facilitator, describes the network's newest payer program with MDX Hawaii. Pharmacies on three of the Hawaiian islands will work with patients enrolled in Medicare Advantage programs to help close adherence gaps associated with STAR measures. The payer has already expressed interest in additional pharmacy services.
UnitedHealthcare's Value-Based HRA Program Expands to CPESN Tennessee Networks
Patient trust allows community pharmacists in Tennessee's two networks to complete Health Risk Assessments with UnitedHealthcare's hard-to-reach members. Amber Suthers, CPESN Tennessee, Managing Network Facilitator, says it's rewarding to see payers recognize community pharmacy's value in caring for patients. The program is open to all CPESN Tennessee and CPESN Northeast Tennessee pharmacies.
CPESN® Iowa Pharmacist Services Reduced Inpatient Admissions, Lowered Costs of Care for High-Risk Medicaid Patients
Inpatient admissions were 33% points lower for high-risk Medicaid patients engaged with CPESN community pharmacists during a pilot outreach program, compared with those members not reached by local pharmacists. Results of the claims data lookback study are reported in research released by the Elevance Health Public Policy Institute. Lindsey Ludwig, CPESN Iowa Executive Director, describes the impact of the two-year program in this short video. Elevance Health/CarelonRx currently has programs in 11 CPESN networks with plans to add more this year.
CPESN® Minnesota, Expanded UCare Minnesota Program
Strong performance by CPESN Minnesota pharmacies statewide led to an expanded UCare Minnesota contract. The gap closure program has been expanded to 16 areas of care, including five care coordination measures.
Statewide Opportunity for CPESN® Ohio Pharmacies with Community Health Workers
The Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD) has expanded its Pathways program statewide, opening opportunities for CPESN pharmacies to receive and make care coordination referrals through county and regional HUBs. Pharmacies need to train or hire certified Community Health Workers and complete a credentialing process. Medicaid is the primary payment source for CHW services.
CPESN® Florida, Medicaid Care Gap Closure Program
Laura Rhodes, CPESN Florida Managing Network Facilitator, says the network is off to a strong start with pharmacy outreach to close care gaps for plan-identified Medicaid patients.
$2+ Million in Potential Pharmacy Revenue Through Regional QIO Partnerships
CPESN® USA has partnerships with six regional Quality Improvement Organizations for pharmacies in 23 networks to help long-term care facilities increase current COVID-19 vaccination rates for residents and staff. Cindy Warriner, a CPESN Virginia facilitator, and a senior pharmacist consultant with Health Quality Innovators, says the partnerships showcases for all federal health decision makers the value that community pharmacy brings to 65+ patients.
Highmark WholeCare and the Pennsylvania CPESN Network Partnership Enters Year 7 with Contract Renewal
Stephanie McGrath, Managing Network Facilitator, details how 96 Pennsylvania Pharmacist Care Network (PPCN) pharmacists met all 2023 program goals in caring for the Medicaid MCO's enrolled patients. Under the multi-service program, network pharmacists address identified patient needs, providing medication reconciliation, med sync, home visits, home deliveries, and making community and health plan resource referrals based on SDoH assessments. Learn more in this short video.
CPESN® Georgia, Medicaid Gap Closure Program
CPESN Georgia pharmacies participating in a national Medicaid MCO program are seeing a growing number of patient encounters with positive feedback. Johnathan Hamrick, Managing Network Facilitator, says the value-based program launched last fall and focuses on improving adherence and closing care gaps
CPESN® Mississippi, Magnolia Health Medicaid MCO
Amy Catherine Baggett, CPESN Mississippi Managing Network Facilitator, shares details of a new Medicaid MCO contract with Magnolia Health. Network pharmacists engage plan-identified patients diagnosed with diabetes or asthma to improve medication adherence. A third program for pediatric patients taking medications to treat ADD/ADHD includes counseling, and coordination with primary care providers to improve adherence.
CPESN® Ohio, CareSource Provider-Status Contract
New CareSource Medicaid MCO statewide contract with CPESN Ohio allows all network pharmacists to provide and bill for clinical services as needed by their patients. Kevin Day, clinical pharmacist and president of Day's Pharmacy in Cincinnati and the network's Managing Network Facilitator, describes the program and opportunities it represents for CPESN pharmacies.
CPESN® Alabama has first payer program with RxE2
CPESN Alabama Luminary Jessica Hung, owner of Semmes Pharmacy in Semmes, AL, describes the network's first payer program.
Ground-up Partnership for CPESN® USA with Vita Savings ACO
CPESN® USA id working with the new Vita Savings ACO to define how network pharmacies will help meet patient care metrics. Vita Savings will go live in 2025.
HMG Health System, Emergent ACO and CPESN® USA Partnership
CPESN® pharmacies in Tennessee and Virginia closed statin adherence gaps for 50% of assigned Medicare Advantage patients, helping HMG Health System score a 4.5 CMS Star Rating.
Medicaid MCO Contract Brings Revenue, Attracts Pharmacies for CPESN® Washington DC Metro Area
CPESN® Washington DC Metro Area is gaining new momentum with the network's first payer program to provide clinical services to Elevance Health/CarelonRx enrolled Medicaid patients. Tamara McCants, Managing Network Facilitator for the growing network, and Carla Daniel, a pharmacist with Grubb's Southeast - one of the participating pharmacies - describe benefits of the program for patients, pharmacies, and the payer.
HTN Patient Self-Monitoring Pilot with CPESN® West Virginia
Through a grant-funded pilot program, CPESN® West Virginia pharmacists are enrolling patients for digital monitoring and monthly reporting of blood pressure readings. Starting in three counties, network pharmacists review readings and provide individualized disease management education for patients with uncontrolled hypertension. Updates are shared with primary and specialty physicians, integrating pharmacy clinical services to care planning and delivery.
CPESN® Nebraska Renews Statewide Medicaid CCM Contract
Renewal of a contract with Nebraska Total Care continues delivery of clinical services to enrolled Medicaid patients by CPESN Nebraska pharmacies. Last year, $177,000 was paid to 39 of the network's 60 pharmacies for chronic care management services - or $4,500+ per store. And the network earned an additional $34K for closing care gaps, contributing positively to the payer's overall quality ratings. Staci Hubert, Managing Network Facilitator describes the program.
Multi-Network Program Offers Bonus Opportunity + Medicare Vaccine Rate + Fee for Time
Health Quality Innovators (HQI), a regional quality group reporting to CMS, has partnered with four CPESN® networks - Kansas, Missouri, South Carolina, and Virginia - to help boost current COVID-19 immunization rates for long-term care facilities. Renee Price, CPESN® Kansas Managing Network Facilitator, and Clinical Program Coordinator for Graves/Damm Pharmacies in Winfield Kansas, shares why she is excited about the new opportunity. Other CPESN networks are entering similar partnerships.
UPMC Health Plan Renews Statewide Medicaid Program in Pennsylvania
CPESN® Pennsylvania pharmacies will continue to help UPMC Health Plan's Medicaid patients manage their asthma, COPD, and diabetes medication therapy with renewal of the network's contract. More than 100 Pennsylvania Pharmacist Care Network (PPCN) pharmacies engaged with 3,360 eligible Medicaid patients in 2023 as the program added diabetes care to the program. The pharmacies also conducted more than 1,700 SDoH surveys and made 500 community and health system referrals to help patients address food, transportation, housing and other health-impacting needs.
CPESN® Virginia and UnitedHealthCare Telehealth Pilot
Kim Wright, CPESN Virginia Luminary, and Rebecca Brown, Family Pharmacy Clinical Director, describe how the network's telehealth pilot with UnitedHealthcare makes doctor visits accessible to Medicaid patients without broadband or who may struggle to take time away from work to see a physician. Most exciting is the opportunity to practice at the top of their license.
Arkansas Test to Treat, Example of Practice Transformation Opportunity
Now is the time to embrace change and ramp up clinical programs as states expand pharmacy practice and health plans contract for value-based services, says Duane Jones, Arkansas CPESN Luminary. Jones, who also serves on CPESN USA's Executive Committee, gives Arkansas' test to treat law as an example of opportunity amid rapid market change. Credentialed pharmacists are paid on the medical side for office visits to treat strep, flu, and Covid-19. "Call your local network. Call your Managing Network Facilitator. Get involved."
CPESN® Hawaii, Two-Year Adherence Contract Renewal with HMSA
Hawaii Medical Services Association (HMSA) recently renewed a two-year contract with CPESN Hawaii to continue a gap closure program focused on increasing adherence for Medicare patients. Kerri Okamura, Program Support Lead for the Pacific Region, says the renewal adds an annual administrative payment to the fee-for-services program.
CPESN® Mississippi, Expanded Medicaid MCO Program
As CPESN Mississippi pharmacies reached out to their UnitedHealthcare patients to collect blood pressure and A1c readings, they were able to meet additional needs and help patients overcome barriers to care. Amy Catherine Love Baggett, owner of Love's Pharmacy in Diamondhead and the network's Managing Network Facilitator shares how the payer program to close HEDIS® led to care coordination successes.
Happy Patients, Payers, and CPESN Pharmacists
Alison Haas, CPESN USA Director of Value-Based Contracting, does the 2023 Success Countdown with lots of wins as improved patient outcomes, achieved payer goals, and increased revenue for CPESN community pharmacies.
CPESN Ohio is Statewide Pharmacy Provider Network for Humana Medicaid
Kevin Day, owner of Day's Pharmacies and CPESN Ohio Managing Network Facilitator, describes the statewide Medicaid program exclusive to CPESN Ohio network pharmacists that allows billing for provider-status initiatives without a collaboration agreement. The program for Humana's Medicaid enrollees has a January 1, 2024 start date.
CPESN® USA Luminary Randy McDonough Shares Insights
Tough times, turbulent times, and unimaginable industry change - familiar words for community pharmacy. How to make it through the coming months, positioned for opportunity? Randy McDonough, CPESN Iowa and USA Luminary, and a member of the CPESN USA Board of Managers shares his insights.
CPESN® USA Clinical Drug Trial Program
John Croce, CPESN USA Program Lead for Drug Clinical Trials, describes a growing non-dispensing revenue stream for participating pharmacies through three key partnerships, with interest from additional potential partners. "In the trials that we have performed, we have far outperformed other avenues that drug trial sponsors have used in the past."
CPESN® Virginia, Medicaid MCO Program
CPESN® Virginia is preparing to launch the network's first value-based payer program to provide services to Medicaid patients enrolled in an Elevance/CarelonRx plan. Lura Thompson, CPESN VA Managing Network Facilitator, shares details in this video.
CPESN® Minnesota, UCare Community-Based Partnership
CPESN® Minnesota pharmacies will support prescribed use of medications for identified members enrolled in one of UCare’s Medicare plans. Lindsay Christensen, CPESN Minnesota's Executive Director, describes how network will provide direct support and education to promote medication adherence for hypertension, cholesterol, and diabetes medication, and will address gaps in statin therapy for cardiovascular health.
Successful Iowa Program Expands, Scales to Add Networks
Medicaid patients of 18 CPESN® Iowa pharmacies showed improved outcomes for their mental health, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with fewer ED visits and hospital admissions. Elevance Health reported the outcomes last week, concluding that value-based partnerships with CPESN community pharmacies can be an effective strategy to improve quality and lower costs for plan members with the most complex needs. Lindsey Ludwig, CPESN Iowa Managing Network Facilitator shares the details.
Holston Medical Group, CPESN® NET
A strong partnership between the Holston Medical Group and CPESN® Northeast Tennessee persuaded a national health plan to restore preferred provider status to CPESN pharmacies. Samantha Sizemore, COO of HMG and its Emergent ACO made a strong case to the payer, demonstrating value to both patients and the health plan.
CPESN® Georgia Medicaid MCO Contract
Johnathan Hamrick, CPESN Georgia Managing Network Facilitator, describes the network's fee-for-service contract with a national Medicaid MCO to close car gaps for high-risk patients.
Mobility Health expands testing services available to CPESN® pharmacies
CPESN® pharmacies working with Mobility Health under a national payer program now have access to two additional lab services - the COVID-19 / Flu A&B / RSV Multiplex (four results) and the new COVID-19 Antibody saliva test. Sarah Priestle, owner of Hart Pharmacy in Cincinnati, talks about the new patient offerings.
CPESN® Community Pharmacy + Payers = Local, Scalable Success
Here's a preview of the 150+ Payer video stories in this showcase. It features CPESN local pharmacies from coast to coast, in small towns and in the Bronx, from the Midwest to the Deep South delivering improved patient outcomes and lowering costs through over 250 local Payer contracts. It's a story about scaling - learning from one success to build another for 41 national Payer contracts, and growing. Local. Quality. Scale.
Tips for Marketing to ACOs
Rebecca Wagers, CPESN® Northeast Tennessee Managing Network Facilitator details how four CPESN networks in three states helped Emergent ACO boost flu and fall risk scores in a 2022 year-end crunch. Now is the time for networks to approach local ACOs to offer similar support earlier.
Regional Payer Program: Mobile Immunizations for Homebound Adults
CPESN® Michigan luminary Austin Brown reminds network leaders to look in their backyards for unexpected payer opportunities with local and regional agencies.
Expanded Regional Medicaid MCO Program in Pennsylvania
CPESN® Pennsylvania pharmacists will provide onsite vaccine clinic services at community outreach events held by a payer partner under an expansion of a regional Medicaid MCO program.
CPESN® NC Pharmacies Meet RxE2 Asthma Trial Goal
CPESN® North Carolina Luminary Jessi Stout says involving a pharmacy student helped make recruitment for an asthma medication study fast and easy for her Table Rock Pharmacy in Morganton, NC. The 10 participating network pharmacies met the RxE2 program goal of qualifying 32 patients for referral to the study sponsor.
PGx Clinical Testing with Genemarkers
Through a national payer program with Genemarkers, CPESN® pharmacies are paid a flat fee to collect patient DNA samples for testing and review results with patients. The personalized medicine approach can indicate how a patient might respond to a particular treatment or which medication may work best for an individual.
CPESN® Nebraska, Medicaid MCO Renewal
Medicaid MCO coverage of adherence packaging and delivery through CPESN® Nebraska has allowed Elmwood Pharmacy to expand the service. Pharmacist Crystal Pfeifer says that's a plus for patients and for the pharmacy.
RxE2 Clinical Screening, CPESN Missouri®
Clinical Screening for Major Depression Disorder treatment study proved a good opportunity for pharmacies in the St. Louis, MO metro area to boost patient engagement and pharmacy revenue. Tyler Taylor CPESN Missouri regional facilitator, said the RxE2 program paid pharmacies for all steps regardless of outcome, saying that's "... very helpful in a world where we don't get paid for our work very often."
Expanded Medicaid MCO Program
Expansion of a Medicaid MCO program allows CPESN® Pennsylvania pharmacist to add diabetes disease management to services they provide to Medicaid patients. Additionally, they will now be paid for Social Determinants of Health screenings and referrals.
Medicaid MCO Plan Renews, Expands
Laura Rhodes, CPESN USA Regional PPP Lead, describes how quality performance by CPESN® Florida pharmacies in a 2022 Medicaid adherence program has led to renewal in that state with opportunities for nearly three times as many pharmacies, and expansion to Texas where almost 90 CPESN pharmacies will be able to participate. The two networks trained together last week, preparing for the renewal and rollout in Texas.
Statewide Medicaid MCO Program, CPESN® Pennsylvania
Helping Medicaid patients diagnosed with diabetes or hypertension control their blood pressure or lower their HbA1c is the focus goal of a broad statewide managed Medicaid program available to the nearly 200 CPESN® Pennsylvania pharmacies across the state. Early patient outcomes include significantly lowered HbA1C levels and impactful referrals to other community providers based on social determinants of health surveys.
CPESN® Texas Managed Medicaid Program
Brianna Chesser, a pharmacist with Best Value Ridglea Pharmacy in Fort Worth, shares examples of how CPESN® Texas pharmacies are helping to improve the health of diabetes and CVD patients enrolled in a managed Medicaid program.
CPESN® Arkansas Pharmacies Meeting Rural Medicaid Patient Needs
Sarah Covert, a pharmacist with McCoy-Tygart Drug in Sheridan, AR describes how her team works with rural patients enrolled in a Medicaid MCO plan. Understanding and addressing health inequities is part of her efforts to improve medication adherence.
CPESN® Hawaii, Care Gap Closure Program
CPESN® Hawaii pharmacies reached out to Medicare programs with medication adherence gaps for treating diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic illnesses. In addition to meeting year-end goals for the health plan, the pharmacies coached patients to support their longer term health outcomes.
CPESN® USA, Emergent ACO
Rebecca Wagers, CPESN® NET Managing Network Facilitator, says the Emergent ACO Special Purpose Partnership has expanded to seven states and that CPESN pharmacies have submiitted more than 50,000 eCare plans. And that's just the start.
CPESN® USA, RxE2 Community Pharmacy Program
Eric Hughes, CPESN® Arkansas Managing Network Facilitator, describes one of three new RxE2 clinical trial recruitment recruitment opportunities for 2023. In this multi-state recruitment, pharamcies in several networks review prescribing records to identify patients with treatment-resistent depression. Some patients with a specific gene marker may participate in an investigational drug study. It's a payable opportunity for patients, and creates network revenue as well.
CPESN® USA, Inside Edge Consulting
Community pharmacies educating patients - especially in underserved communities - about health conditions and access to clinical trials is the focus of a partnership between CPESN® USA and Inside Edge Consulting Group.
CPESN® South Dakota, Network Building Blocks
Cold calls to the South Dakota Department of Health five years ago opened the way for a successful hypertension management program. The small network in a rural state has tripled in size and delivered cardiovascular risk reduction programs to more than 150 patients.
Network Perspective: CPESN® Hawaii, Smaller Network Success Insights
CPESN® Hawaii credits a unified marketing front, persistence, and leveraging COVID-19 opportunities for that network's steady growth and payer contracts.
CPESN® USA, Closing HEDIS® Care Gaps for MCO Impact
CPESN® USA PPP Regional Lead Laura Rhodes describes how pharmacies in CPESN® Virginia and CPESN® Florida collectively engaged dually eligible patients in a quick turn program to obtain blood pressure readings and help the MCO close care gaps. Looking forward, Rhodes says with an earlier start in the year, CPESN community pharmacy efforts can deliver greater impact for MCO payers.
CPESN® California, NRT Grant
Grant-funded Nicotene Replacement Therapy program helped CPESN® California pharmacies refine workflows and create patient awareness of health services under expanded Medi-Cal coverage. Pharmacy Support Staff were critical to program success.
CPESN® Kansas, Cognitive Function Screening Pilot with Avant Institute
Breah Schibi of Bowen Pharmacy in Parsons, Kansas describes her positive experience with offering self-administered early cognitive testing to 65+ pharmacy patients. Bowen is one of 29 CPESN pharmacies selected for the program in partership with Avant Institute and funded by the global Davos Alzheimer's Initiative.
CPESN® Mississippi, Social Determinants of Health Pilot
G&M Pharmacy in Oxford, MS is one of five CPESN community pharmacies to complete a multi-state pilot program with RxE2 where deidentified patient gender, race, ethnic data was collected and reported. The program demonstrates how the community pharmacy relationship with patients can help expand access to clinical trials for underrepresented ethnic and racial populations.
RxSelect CPESN® Pharmacies Help Lower Cost of Care in Oklahoma
RxSelect CPESN® the Oklahoma local network provides comprehensive and targeted medication reviews for Medicaid patients at a high risk for return hospitalization or emergency visits. The result = lower total cost of care.
CPESN® Texas HTN Remote Patient Monitoring
CPESN® Texas pharmacist Traci Bayer, co-owner of Hillcrest Pharmacy in Vernon, Texas, describes a patient's success in reaching blood pressure goals as part of a grant-funded remote patient monitoring pilot program.
CPESN® Maryland, Medicaid High-Risk Patients
CPESN® Maryland has it's first contract to provide high-touch clinical services to Medicaid patients with diabetes and asthma.
CPESN® Alabama, Payer Readiness Strategy
A shortage of lifestyle change coaches to implement CDC's Diabetes Prevention Program led CPESN Alabama leaders to offer free coach training. Lead Luminary Patrick Devereux says the network believes that having 15 certified coaches will lead to Medicare MCO and commercial payer opportunities.
CPESN® Florida, Blood Pressure Reading Documentation
Documentation of a blood pressure reading for nearly 1,000 patients by the end of year is the goal for 100 CPESN Florida pharmacies as part of a new managed MCO program. Laura Rhodes, Managing Network Facilitator, hopes the program will lead to more opportunities in 2023.
CPESN® West Virginia, Nalox(ONE) Program Renewal
CPESN® West Virginia pharmacist Amber Conrad describes how the extension of a grant-funded Naloxone dispensing program allows her network's pharmacies to serve their communities. The program is funded through the West Virginia Drug Invention Institute and the West Virginia Department of Health.
CPESN® North Carolina, Medicaid Disease Management Pilot
Improved medication adherence for patients with diabetes is the goal of a new Medicaid managed care pilot program for CPESN North Carolina pharamcists. Amina Abubakar, owner of Avant Pharmacy & Wellness in Charlotte and a North Carolina luminary, describes the network opportunity.
CPESN® North Carolina Participates in Collaborative-led Adherence Program
Increased adherence to oral anticoagulants in Medicare AFib patients is the goal of a new multi-partner program for CPESN® North Carolina. The collaborative includes the CPESN Clinically Integrated Network (CIN), a pharmaceutical manufacturer, a health insurer, and a large health system. Luminary Jessi Stout, owner of Table Rock Pharmacy in Morganton, NC, describes the opportunity.
CPESN Arkansas, Medication Reviews Program
Eric Hughes, project manager with CPESN® Arkansas, describes a new contract for that network with CSS Health. Network pharmacies will provide comprehensive and targeted medication reviews for identified patients with reporting through the CSS MTM platform. 36 pharmacies are enrolled and other interested Arkansas network pharmacies should contact Eric at ehughes@cpesn.com.
CPESN® Utah, Clinical Trial Research Group
A new contract with a clinical trial research group offers CPESN Utah pharmacies an opportunity to identify and refer qualifying patients for participation in drug development research.
CPESN® Texas and Asthma Severity Technology Pilot
CPESN Texas Pharmacist Laura Temple, owner of Laura's Pharmacy in Azle, TX, describes how using Asthma Severity Technology as part of a network pilot program helped her adjust medications and improve the outcome for a patient.
CPESN® South Dakota, Expanding CVD Risk Reduction Program
With the 4th-year renewal of a partnership with the South Dakota Dept. of Health, CPESN South Dakota pharmacists will take the successful cardiovascular disease program and their services into the communities where they will educate and screen for CVD risk.
CPESN® Pennsylvania, Expanded Medicaid MCO Program
Pharmacists in the CPESN® Pennsylvania network are delivering services under their full scope of practice in that state under an expanded program with a long-standing Medicaid MCO payer-partner. The long-term goal is to transition to pharmacists as plan providers with medical billing.
Mobility Health Expanded Nationwide for CPESN® Pharmacies
CPESN® USA Director of Value Based Contracting, Alison Haas, pharmacist & owner of Jackson Pharmacy & Wellness Center in Jackson Center, Ohio, highlights the expansion of the CPESN partnership with Mobility Health to all CPESN pharmacies across the country. Mobility provides lab services to support COVID-19 and flu testing.
Utah Pharmacists, Medicaid Provider Status
In our 100th success video, CPESN® Utah Managing Network Facilitator, Benjamin Jolley, pharmacist with Jolley's Compounding Pharmacy in Salt Lake City, shares a unique success story about pharmacists becoming recognized as Medicaid providers and a new budgeted mandate in Utah directing that state's Medicaid program to pay pharmacists billing under CPT codes for Medication Therapy Management.
Inside Edge Consulting, Clinical Trial Awareness
Roger Paganelli, CPESN USA Luminary and CPESN NYC pharmacist and coowner of Mt. Carmel Pharmacy in the Bronx, describes how two Bronx pharmacies will raise patient awareness about clinical trial opportunities, focusing particularly on health equity in underserved populations. The opportunity is part of a CPESN® USA national contract with Inside Edge Consulting, a company working with pharmaceutical sponsors of clinical drug trials. (4:45).
CPESN® Texas, Adding Clinical Services
Martha Mosher, pharmacist and owner of the El Paso Medicine Shoppe, credits CPESN® Texas and its partnership with the University of Texas for preparing her pharmacy to offer its first clinical program - Diabetes Self Management Education.
CPESN® USA Partner Perspective
RxE2 CEO Gerald Finken shares his perspective on community-based pharmacies being ideal for recruiting and managing medications for patients on clinical trials, while adding a revenue stream for their pharmacy practices (5:15).
CPESN® Kansas, MTM Program
Renee Price describes a Medication Therapy Management program with a statewide managed Medicaid program where network pharmacies worked with care managers to improve patient health conditions. The program started with 5 to 10 pilot stores in Kansas, and added two to three pharmacies monthly.
CPESN® Mississippi, Medicare Advantage Plan
Under renewal of this contract with a Medicare Advantage Plan, 58 CPESN Mississippi pharmacies provide diabetes monitoring and management including A1c testing to establish a base level, counseling to help patients with an A1c >9, bring it under 9%, and make referrals for annual retinal eye exams.
CPESN® Wyoming, Medicare Part D MTM
Under this Year 5 program renewal with a national payer, CPESN Wyoming pharmacies provide enhanced Medication Therapy Management and safety reviews for Medicare Part D patients at high risk for adverse drug events. The goal is to demonstrate a positive impact on medical spend directly tied to pharmacist interventions.
CPESN® Pennsylvania, Diabetes and COPD Management
In this contract with a statewide Medicaid MCO, Pennsylvania Pharmacist Care Network pharmacists identify gaps in care and address medication adherence for plan-identified patients with COPD and diabetes.
CPESN® Virginia, Diabetes Management Program
More than half of CPESN Virginia's pharmacies had patients eligible for diabetes managment care under a contract with a large national managed health plan. Services include HbA1c monitoring and a focus on nutrition, motivational interviewing, med management, and care coordination.
CPESN® Ohio Flu Vaccines
A CPESN Ohio network-wide contract with a national MCO focuses on increasing flu vaccination rates, year-over-year.
CPESN® Pennsylvania, Worksite Vaccine Clinics
Ron McDermott describs how Pennsylvania Pharmacist Care Network pharmacies held on-site COVID-19 vaccination clinics for employees of the Bechtel Shell Cracker Plant in PA. More than 3,000 doses were administered through a CPESN contract with WorkCare.
CPESN® Missouri, Medicare Advantage
Under this Medicare Advantage contract, CPESN Missouri pharmacies provided Med Sync services to patients taking medications for diabetes and hypertension.
CPESN® Nebraska, Medicaid Managed Care Plan
CPESN Nebraska Luminary Staci Hubert describes services provided by that network's pharmacies under a Medicaid managed care plan for high-risk patients. Enhanced pharmacy services include Med Sync, Adherence packaging, and Medication reconciliation.
CPESN® Minnesota, Safety Reviews Medicare Part D
Lindsay Christensen, Managing Network Facilitator for CPESN® Minnesota, describes that network's Year 5 renewal of a program where pharmacists provide safety reviews for Medicare Part D patients at high risk for adverse drug events. The program goal is to have a positive impact on medical spend directly tied to pharmacist interventions.
CPESN® Ohio, Medicaid MCO
Kevin Day describes how CPESN Ohio pharmacies provide enhanced services to close gaps in care for patients as identified by a large Medicaid Managed Care Organization. Provider status allows direct billing for patient care.
South Dakota CPESN®MTM Program
This is a third-year renewal with a large pharmacy technology solution for this program focused on Medication Therapy Management services.
CPESN® North Carolina, Troy Medicare
In this Payer perspective, Troy Medicare Co-Founder and Chief Pharmacy Officer, describes the benefits of working with community pharmacists in the CPESN North Carolina network. Pharmacies help manage COPD, diabetes and congestive heart failure patients.
CPESN® Wyoming, COVID-19 Grant
Through the Wyoming Department of Health, CPESN Wyoming received CDC grant funding to offset pharmacy costs associated with adminstering COVID-19 vaccines, including salaries, training, vaccine storage units, computer hardware and software, and travel for in-home vaccinations.
CPESN® Texas, Managed Medicaid Plan
Enhanced pharmacy services provided by CPESN Texas pharmacies under a Managed Medicaid Plan affiliated with a large hospital system included medication adherence support, asthma action plans, and social determinants of health surveys.
CPESN® Massachusetts, Statewide Health System
This program includes deprescribing, prescribing, and adherence support to improved health outcomes for plan-identified patients.
CPESN® Wisconsin, NeuGen Health
In partnership with a health care consulting firm, CPESN Wisconsin pharmacies provided enhanced services to school employers, including comprehensive care planning, adherence support, medication reviews, and a med sync prgoram.
CPESN Missouri, HRSA Grant
CPESN® North Carolina, Health Risk Assessments
CPESN® North Carolina Luminary Joe Moose describes a program with a large national health plan for pharmacists to provide Health Risk Assessments for dually-eligible Medicaid and Medicare patients.
CPESN® Pennsylvania, Asthma and COPD Program
Community-based pharmacists address medication adherence in high-risk patients being treated for asthma and COPD under a Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network (PPCN) contract with a health plan for its eligible Medicaid members.
CPESN New York, Prescryptives
CPESN® Iowa Employer Contract
CPESN® Hawaii State Health Dept.
CPESN® Kentucky Smoking Cessation
CPESN® Kentucky, Medicaid MCO
Paula Miller, CPESN Kentucky luminary, describes that network's contract with a large statewide Medicaid MCO. Pharmacists work closely with the plan's care coordinators to identify patients who might benefit from enhanced pharmacy services including chronic care management and adherence programs.
CPESN® Iowa Employer Direct Contract
CPESN® Iowa Physician Practice
CPESN® Pennsylvania, Vaccination Program
Community pharmacists provide flu, pneumonia, and shingles vaccines to Medicaid, Medicare, and Commerical members of a large regional health plan under a contract with the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network (PPCN).
CPESN® RxSelect
CPESN® USA Medicare Advantage
CPESN® USA Medicare Advantage
CPESN® Massachusetts, Community-Based Healthcare System
Todd Brown describes how CPESN Massachusetts pharmacists work with a large community-based healthcare system to close identified gaps in care, provide medication sychronication, and adherence support to Medicaid dually-eligible and Medicare patients.
CPESN® NYC Population Health Program
CPESN NYC pharmacists work with Medicare Part D patients to increase adherence rates for statins, oral diabetic drugs, and HTN medications under this contract with a statewide health insurer.
CPESN® Wyoming, DOH Grant
Grant funding through the Wyoming Department of Health supports CPESN Wyoming pharmacies in delivering Medication Therapy Management services to patients taking medications for diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol management.
CPESN® North Carolina Medicare Advantage Plan
CPESN® Ohio, Medicaid MCO Program
This multi-state contract with a Medicaid MCO covers Medicaid patients living in Ohio and Indiana. Network pharmacies provided Comprehensive Medical Reviews and targeted interventions.
CPESN® Idaho Partnership Block Grant
South Dakota CPESN® Medicare Remote Monitoring
Josh Orhtman with South Dakota CPESN describes a pilot program for remote monitoring for Medicare beneficiaries. Patients heart failure, diabetes, hypertension receive blood pressure monitors, scales, diabetic testing supplies. Pharmacies and physician teams receive health status readings via cellular signals from the patients' in-home monitoring devices.
CPESN® Iowa, Care Plans
Network pharmacists submit monthly care plans for this MCO's member taking Asthma, COPD, Opioids, or Behavioral Health medications.
CPESN® Upstate New York Health Screenings
John Croce, CPESN Upstate New York Managing Network Facilitator, describes a six-month health screening program and survey of social determinants of health. Referrals are made to healthcare teams for needed services.
Improved Outcomes, HTN Monitoring Program
In partnership with the South Dakota Dept. of Health, CPESN® pharmacists provided blood pressure monitoring, met with patients regularly, and led clinical interventions engaging other health professionals. The results? High percentage of patients met BP goals, and the program has expanded from the initial focus on HTN to include cholesterol values and lipid levels for total cardiovascular risk management.
CPESN® Mississippi, Medicaid Diabetes Care
In its first statewide payer program with a Medicaid MCO, 53 of 58 CPESN Missisippi pharmacies had patients eligible for pharmacist-led intervientions for diabetes patients.
CPESN® Ohio, POC Testing for COVID-19
A partnership beween CPESN Ohio and Ohio-based Mobility Health supported network pharmacies in providing PCR COVID-19 testing.
CPESN® RxSelect Opioid Mgmt., Self-Insured Payer
CPESN® North Carolina Medicare Managed Care
CPESN® Virginia, Health Risk Assessments
This program under a contract with a large national health plan called for completion of health risk assessments for plan identified patients. Pharmacists and their support staff completed the HRAs in person and by telephone.
CPESN® Arkansas, Behavioral Health Med Adherence Program
CPESN® Arkansas pilot program to improve medication adherence in behavioral health patients. Pharmacists provided counseling on adherence to behavioral health medications, and conversion to long-acting anti-psychotic injectables for some patients.
CPESN® Pennsylvania Medicaid Medication Synchronization
Under a contract with a Medicaid MCO, 100 Pennyslvania Pharmacists Care Network - CPESN® Pennsylvania pharmacies engaged eligible patients to participate in Medication Synchronization services. The goal was to close HEDIS® identified gaps in care, using MedSync and documenting through eCare plans.
South Dakota CPESN® South Dakota Department of Health
Program for HTN is expanded in Year 3 to include cholesterol values and lipid levels for total cardiovascular risk management. The goal is through pharmacist-led intervention to lower the patient risk of heart attack or stroke.
CPESN® Arkansas, Medication Therapy Management
50 CPESN Arkansas pharmacies participate in this large MCO contract to provide an inital Medication Therapy Management session with referred patients.
CPESN® RxSelect Regional Health System
CPESN® North Carolina, COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Program
Joe Moose, CPESN North Carolina luminary, describes how pharmacists helped this large national MCO gather information from dually-eligible Medicare and Medicaid patients on their COVID-19 vaccination status, and understanding of their choices.
Luminary Perspective - The Payer Journey
CPESN® Missouri and USA luminary Tripp Logan describes how he connected the dots on backyard relationships to build a grant-winning partnership in this video highlighting patience and persistence in making the community pharmacy case for quality health service delivery, improved patient care, and overall lower costs.
CPESN® Colorado - Chronic Care Management
Dana Sadowski describes how a Colorado Department of Health grant has provided funding for CPESN Colorado pharmaies to become accredited and begin offering clinical services including Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) and blood pressure monitoring.
CPESN® Hawaii, Brief Med Reviews 65+
Dayna Wong-Otis describes a brief medication review program for the 65+ population funded by Hawaii Medical Services Association (HMSA). Pharmacists look for age-inappropriate medications, duplications, interactions, and findings reported to patient’s primary care physician with recommendations.
CPESN® Minnesota, Medicaid & Medicare
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) services are provided by CPESN Minnesota pharmacies to both Medical Assistance (Medicaid) and MinneaCare patients taking at least one prescription medication to manage a chronic condition. Reviews are conducted face-to-face or via telehealth.
Holston Medical Group, Emergent ACO
A multi-state agreement with Holston Medical Group gives CPESN pharmacists new patient insights with access to patient Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and direct communication with physicians on services they provide to referred patients. CPESN Northeast Tennessee initiated the relationship with HMG which has a presence in TN, VA, NC, SC. Its Emergent ACO also has presence in NE and parts of CA. The program was first rolled out to CPESN pharmacies in NE Tennessee and SW Virginia.
CPESN Hawaii® Home Health Vaccines
CPESN Hawaii® luminary Keri Oyadomari describes how pharmacies in that network provided In-home COVID-19 vaccines to more than ,000 small care homes, group homes, foster homes with 1 to 8 patients. The service was funded through a grant from the state department of health.
CPESN® West Virginia Nalox(ONE) Program
CPESN® West Virginia luminary Gretchen Garofoli describes that network's participation in Nalox(ONE) with grant funding through the West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute. Eight CPESN West Virginia pharmacies have opted into the program to counsel patients, provide disposal kits, and prescribe and dispense Naloxone based on risk screening. Pharmacies are reimbursed on a per patient encounter, and for follow-up patient calls made by pharmacy technicians
Leveraging Grants to Build Clincial Services
CPESN® New York Vice President Chris Daly shares his network's success being awarded a CDC 815 grant through the New York Department of Health to provide DSME services. All three CPESN NY networks are involved – Upstate NY, NYC, and Western New York, with 30 to 50 pharmacies participating at any time.
10 pharmacies are now accredited to hold their own diabetes classes and refer patients into those classes.
10 pharmacies are now accredited to hold their own diabetes classes and refer patients into those classes.
CPESN® Arkansas, Clinical Trial Referrals
CPESN® USA and Arkansas CPESN® board member Duane Jones shares his network's success providing patient identification and patient recruitment into clinical trials with RxE2 (5:00).
CPESN® NC, Medicare MTM Program
CPESN® North Carolina pharmacist Tori Grooms shares her network's success with a large MCO through conducting patient outreach to complete Medication Therapy Managament reviews for health plan identified Medicare patients.
Health Dept., Kidney Fdtion. Fund COVID-19 Testing
CPESN® Hawaii pharmacist Courtney Elam shares her network's success working in partnership with the Hawaii Department of Health and the National Kidney Foundation to provide COVID-19 Testing (1:40).
CPESN® Indiana, Employer Program
CPESN® Indiana luminary JD Faulkner shares his network's success with a Pharmacy Benefit Managment company to deliver enhanced services to covered lives through the PBM's employer clients (2:27).
CPESN® Florida, MTM Program for Diabetes Patients
CPESN® Florida network facilitator Laura Rhodes shares her network's success contracting with a large commercial health plan to provide enhanced MTM services to patients taking medications for diabetes and hypertension (2:53).
CPESN® Hawaii Opioid Safety Partnership
CPESN® Hawaii luminary Dayna Wong-Otis shares her network's success collaborating with the The Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy at the University of Hawai'i Hilo to implement an opioid intervention program, including education, Naloxone, and medication disposal kits.
CPESN® South Carolina, Discharge Transition Program
CPESN® South Carolina luminary Deborah Bowers shares her network's success contracting with a large health insurer to provide medication reconciliation for patients following hospital discharge (4:15).
CPESN® Iowa, Unused Medication Disposal Program
CPESN® Iowa Managing Network Facilitator Lindsey Ludwig shares her network's success participating in a state-wide medication disposal program in collaboration with DisposeRx. The program targets patients at risk for misuse or accidental overdose of opioids or other controlled substances.
CPESN® Pennsylvania, Expanding MCO Relationship
Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network Executive Director Stephanie McGrath shares her network's success providing Comprehensive Medication Reviews for patients qualifying under Medicaid and Medicare, or dual eligible patients.
CPESN® California, Smoking Cessation
CPESN® California luminary Sanjay Patel shares his network's success in working with the CDC Office of Smoking and Health to raise patient and community awareness about the health impact of smoking through the Tips from Former Smokers® Program (2:30).
Nationwide CPESN® Program, Targeted Medication Adherence
CPESN® Ohio pharmacist Matt Mitchell describes his pharmacies' participation in CPESN® USA's first nationwide payer program. The national plan's goal was to increase medication adherence in maintenance behavioral health patients, and those taking medications to control hypertension, diabetes, or cholesterol. CPESN pharmacies achieved the highest performance bonus out of 3 possibilities during 2020 and 2021 programs, and improved STAR ratings.
Luminary Insight: Vaccine Program Impact
CPESN® New York City lead luminary and pharmacy owner Roger Paganelli shares the impact of CPESN-USA's participation in the CDC Federal Retail Pharmacy Partner Program. From February 2021 to June 7, 2022, CPESN pharmacies administered 5,585,754 vaccines, driving new traffic and opportunties.
CPESN® Connecticut, Clinical Trial Success
CPESN® Connecticut luminary Ed Schreiner, owner of Stoll's Pharmacy in Waterbury, Connecticut describes his network's success working with RxE2 and recruiting patients for clinical trials (4:48).
CPESN® Michigan, Pharmacogentic Testing
CPESN® Michigan pharmacist Arun Tandon from Advanced Health Pharmacy describes his network's success working with Genemarkers to offer Pharmacogenetic (PGx) Testing.
CPESN® Arkansas, Physician Collaboration
Arkansas CPESN® pharmacist Duane Jones from Harps Pharmacy describes his pharmacies' success utilizing the CPESN exclusive EngageDr. program and contracting with local physician groups.
CPESN® Texas, Medicare MC Pilot
CPESN® Texas luminary Ben McNabb, owner of Love Oak Pharmacy, describes his network's success implementing a Medicare Managed Care pilot program. Twelve pharmacies statewide provide medication adherence and enhanced services focusing on diabetes, asthma, and depression.
CPESN® Texas, Clinical Trial Success
CPESN® Texas pharmacist, Sirisha Kandi, owner of Fiesta MLK Pharmacy in Dallas, describes a clinical trial recruitment "win-win" for patients and her pharmacy through RxE2 program (2:33).
CDC's Tips Partnership
CPESN® Ohio luminary Jeff Neidig, owner of Medi-Wise Pharmacy in Newcomerstown, Ohio, shares information on the CPESN® USA Partnership with the CDC Office on Smoking and Health and the Tips from Former Smokers® campaign.
CPESN® Indiana, Smoking Cessation and DSME for Medicaid
CPESN® Indiana luminary Ryan Engleking, owner of Engleking Rx in Mitchell, Indiana, describes two payer programs his network has implemented with a Medicaid Managed Care plan. CPESN pharmacies provide smoking cessation patient counseling and Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) services.
CPESN® South Carolina Social Determinants Grant Partnership
CPESN® Colorado Diabetes Prevention Grant Partnership
This pilot program delivered Comprehensive Medical Reviews (CMR), Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) and initiated a diabetes prevention program with Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment grant funding.
CPESN® Nebraska Medicare Part D Managed Care
Nebraska Enhanced Services Pharmacies Network (NESP) is contracted with two Medicare MCO plans to provide Medication Therapy Management (MTM) services to enrolled patients.
CPESN® New York City Medicare Part D Managed Care
This is an adherence program for patients taking medications for managing diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol levels. Network pharmacists incorporated medication synchronization as a tool in moving patients from non-adherent to adherent.
CPESN® South Carolina Medicare Advantage
This program with a statewide Medicare Advantage plan called on CPESN® South Carolina pharmacies to reach out to plan-identifid members to complete Comprehensive Medical Reviews, contributing to Medicare STAR ratings.
CPESN® Pennsylvania, CRM Program
Community pharmacists in the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network (PPCN) conducted initial and followup Comprehensive Medical Reviews for patients covered under a statewide Medicaid MCO plan.
CPESN® Upstate New York Medicaid MCO
Network pharmacies provide medication reconciliation, med synchronization, and adherence program.
Special Purpose Program Success
Special Purpose Program Success
Increased Profit, Ensured Compliance with Pharmacy Care at Home Program
Elizabeth Locklear, pharmacist and owner of Rocky Point Pavilion Pharmacy and a CPESN® North Carolina luminary, added a long-term care NPI and enrolled in the CPESN Pharmacy Care at Home special purpose program. She shares an example of how her profit on one prescription went from just over $1 to just over $18.
CPESN® Medical Billing Supports Helps Pharmacy Simplify the Complex for HIgher Reimbursements
Rachel Whitesitte, Clinical Services Manager at Streu's Pharmacy Bay Natural in Green Bay, WI, describes how the Special Purpose Program Medical Billing Supports has helped her increase reimbursement under new medical codes. The CPESN Wisconsin pharmacy is getting paid for clinical services they were providing free with $8K in new revenue for a single code in just 6 months.
CHW Training Helps CPESN® New York Pharmacies Meet Rural Patient Needs
Maggy Pharmacy, in northern New York, was among 17 CPESN pharmacies to participate in a statewide grant-funded workforce training program for Community Health Workers. Mark Maggy, pharmacist and co-owner, describes the positive impact for both Maggy Pharmacy technicians and the continuing benefit to patients in their community. CPESN New York was recognized by the quality improvement organization with the 2024 IPRO Quality Award.
Seeing Community Impact Makes Documentation Worth the Extra Effort
Community Health Worker Hailey Yancey pulled back the curtain with a simple Excel workbook that allows the MediCenter Pharmacy team in Jackson, Missouri to see the rewards of their outreach efforts. In 2024 to date, the pharmacy has increased vaccine administration by 186% over the same period in 2023. Christina Hart, pharmacist and co-owner, says the information motivates the staff, and leads to higher goals.
Growing a LTC@Home Practice with Pharmacy Patients
Christine Lee Wilson first looked to her home delivery patients when she decided to add pharmacy at home services to Professional Pharmacy in Baltimore, MD. The program is growing and so is revenue.
Program Champions Drive LTC@Home Success for CPESN® Missouri Pharmacy
Tim Mitchell, owner of Mitchell's Drug Stores in Neosho, MO, says adding pharmacy at-home services through CPESN® LTC@Home has been a "lifesaver" for his three pharmacies. The CPESN Missouri lead luminary credits two clinical pharmacists on his team with spearheading the pharmacy at-home program along with deep Community Health Worker involvement. Watch this short video to learn why he encourages others to add at-home services through the CPESN LTC@Home special purpose program.
Tyson Drugs Pilots Special Purpose Program CPESN® PPC@Home in Oxford, MS
Austin Crocker, Lead Clinical Pharmacist at APOTHEcare, a division of Tyson Drugs in Oxford, MS joins Stephen Lewis, MD, Chief Physiatry Officer for CPESN® PPC@Home to describe their chronic disease rehab care pilot. The CPESN Mississippi pharmacy is owned by Luminary Bob Lomenick and is participating in the Special Purpose Program CPESN PPC@Home.
Estimated $16.7K in Revenue per CPESN® Health Equity Pharmacy Participating in Missouri Vaccine Hesitancy Program
The multi-phase Vaccine Hesitancy and Gap Closure Program started in southeast Missouri and is gaining traction statewide. Vaccine hesitancy conversations with CPESN pharmacists and technicians are integrated to Med Sync calls, boosting the revenue potential as pharmacies are being compensated for building on services already being provided. The program is funded by the Missouri Dept. of Health and Senior Services.
CPESN® Big Tree Medical Launch
Moose Pharmacy in Monroe welcomed the community with an open house to announce the opening of its Big Tree Medical Clinic. With a startup goal of 30 patients in 30 days, Ashley Moose, owner and pharmacist, says marketing includes social media, and outreach to self-insured employers and pharmacy patients.
Health Equity: It's a No-Brainer
CPESN® NYC Luminary Roger Paganelli says training support staff as community health workers is a no-brainer for owners wanting to take their pharmacies to the next level. His Mt. Carmel pharmacy has affiliated with the special purpose program CPESN® Health Equity and will help promote a November CHW training to support NYC network pharmacies.
CPESN® Big Tree Medical in Washington
CPESN® Washington's Kari VanderHouwen talks about her decision to affiliate with the special purpose program CPESN® Big Tree Medical. Big Tree is recruiting a primary care practitioner to reopen a clinic in a building owned by VanderHouwen and the location of one of her two pharmacies.
CPESN® Missouri CHW Success Leads to CPESN® Health Equity
Successful engagement of pharmacy-based community health workers in a HRSA-funded vaccine hesitancy program helped pave the way for the special purpose program CPESN® Health Equity.
SPN and Local Network Collaboration: CPESN® Health Equity, CPESN® Wyoming
Affiliating with Special Purpose Program CPESN® Health Equity helped CPESN® Wyoming secure CDC 1815 grant funding to integrate Community Health Workers to their practices and address social determinants of health needs for their patients.
Community Connected Success
Community Connected Success
Serving a Visually-Impaired and Blind Community in Austin, TX
Lynh Warnken, pharmacist and co-owner of Lamar Plaza Drug Store and Dripping Springs Pharmacy in Austin, TX, describes how a relationship with a local non-profit created an opportunity to hold profitable onsite vaccine clinics for visually-impaired and blind employees. The CPESN® Texas pharmacist is already thinking about other ways the pharmacies might support community members in their efforts to live more independently.
Convenience and Trust: Adding patient-requested items for Medicare OTC benefit purchase
Thao Doan, pharmacist/owner of Tu Quynh Pharmacy and a CPESN® New York City luminary, says her Vietnamese and Chinese patients benefit by using their Medicare OTC cards to purchase healthy food items and traditional health aids. As Medicare Advantage programs increase benefit amounts, patients can use the dollars to buy certain foods. Doan says focusing on what patients need and use helps them make the most of the benefits and adds revenue for her pharmacy.
Community Connected: Engaging a Hispanic Population
Mariela Silva, a clinical pharmacist at Lino's Pharmacy, encourages other community pharmacies to consider having at least one staff member who can communicate in basic Spanish. The CPESN® Texas pharmacy is located near the Mexico border and serves a large Hispanic population. With Spanish as the second most common language in the U.S., Silva says there is opportunity for most pharmacies to engage their Hispanic patients which can help expand services.
Making the Effort to Speak the Customer's Language
Vito Colombo, a first-generation Italian, is co-owner along with his pharmacist wife Elaine of Colombo's Pharmacy in Queens where they are members of CPESN New York City. Colombo says he learned from his father the value of greeting customers and making an effort to understand and speak their language. His Middle Village pharmacy is located in a walking neighborhood, rich in its ethnic mix of Italian, German, Irish, Albanian, Polish, and Spanish-speaking people. His tip for other CPESN pharmacists: Using Google Translate to help a customer feel comfortable and understood goes a long way in building trust.
Understanding and Supporting Jewish Patients During the High Holidays
CPESN® Maryland Managing Network Facilitator Dixie Leikach shares insights for understanding the upcoming Jewish High Holidays, and tips for supporting pharmacy patients during fasting, and schedule changes associated with the holidays. She also highlights opportunities when Jewish patients may be more open to conversations about preventative care, and overall health management.
Community Connected: Serving Senior Patients
Veronica Riera-Gilley, a board certified geriatric pharmacist, describes how she and the Medicine Shoppe team in Sherman, TX Medicare Part D patients. Watch this short video to learn more about working with a senior population.
CPESN® USA Luminary Paula Miller Talks About Providing Services to Disabled Patients
Paula Miller, a CPESN Kentucky Managing Network Facilitator, shares her personal passion for providing healthcare services to disabled patients. She is co-owner of Ruwe Pharmacy with three locations in northern Kentucky, and her pharmacy works with local agencies to deliver pharmacy services to patients living in group homes.
Expanding Access to Care Through Telehealth
Laura Rhodes describes how the UnitedHealthcare telehealth program allows CPESN pharmacies to be "connectors within our communities." The expansion of a Virginia network pilot has been introduced through the CPESN networks in Florida and North Carolina and is benefitting patients who lack access to broadband internet, live in rural areas with limited transportation options, or cannot miss work to make routine care appointments.
Growth Through Diversity: Pucci's Pharmacy in Sacramento Leads With Services to the LGBTQ+ Community
Pharmacist Clint Hopkins and Joel Hockman, co-owners of Pucci's Pharmacy in Sacramento offer STI, HIV, and HCV point-of-care testing and treating, PrEP and PEP in a growing program with 2-3 patients daily.
22 Languages Spoken By Employees of Hayat Pharmacy Open Doors to Diverse Communities
CPESN® USA Luminary Hashim Zaibak describes how Hayat Pharmacy in Milwaukee, WI, has grown by welcoming refugees and purposely hiring pharmacy employees who speak a second language. A facilitator for the CPESN Wisconsin network, Zaibak shares how Hayat is expanding clinical services with the purchase of a physician practice and addition of a primary care physician.
Community Connected: Multicultural Pittsburgh Pharmacy Serves Arabic-Speaking Patients
Chris Antypas, a CPESN® USA and Pennsylvania Pharmacist Care Network or PPCN (the CPESN network in Pennsylvania) Luminary, shares how Asti's South Hills Pharmacy in Pittsburgh cares for several hundred patients with Arabic as their primary language. The pharmacy has modified some processes to be sensitive to culture and religion, and added a pharmacist who speaks Arabic. Antypas says expanding services to meet community needs benefits the pharmacy as well as its patients.
Trust is Key: Connecting Eastern Culture & Western Medicine
Connecting first on a personal level is key to building trust, says Bandon Do, a first-generation Chinese-American pharmacist at Bob Johnson's Pharmacy in Seattle.
Allure Specialty Pharmacy, CPESN® NYC
In this Community Connected Success Story, Ronnie Moore and his team at NYC Minority-Certified Allure Specialty Pharmacy partner with community organizations to provide disease management, and health and wellness education to neighborhood patients..
Serving Deaf, Hard of Hearing Patients
In this Community Connected Success story, pharmacist/owner Chichi Ilonzo Momah shares some of the steps she takes to welcome and successfully serve deaf and hard of hearing patients at her Springfield Pharmacy in Pennsylvania.
CPESN® California Pharmacy Team Reflects the Community it Serves
Sanjay Patel, Clinical Director with Haller's Pharmacy describes how the CPESN® California pharmacy built a multicultural team to serve patients in its diverse local community. Attention to cultural sensitivities is important for team members and patients. This is one in a series of Community Connected Success Stories.
Community Connected: Hiring Intentionally
CPESN® USA Luminary Joe Moose shares tips from his experience of hiring a bilingual pharmacy technician. Moose Pharmacy is better able to meet the needs of its Spanish-speaking patients leading to new word-of-mouth referrals.
Community Connected: CPESN® Hawaii Pharmacists Take Clinics to Remote Patients
In this first video in an ongoing Community Connected series, Elissa Brown describes the tradition of celebrating Lei Day on May 1 in Hawaii. To connect more closely with patients in outlying areas, CPESN® Hawaii pharmacists take clincis to remote communities to provide screenings, immunizations, and other health services.